Monday, August 24, 2009

7th Grade Activity Page

Welcome to the activity page for 7th grade students at Early Light Academy. This is your gateway to everything that is going on in 7th grade Physical Education. Use this website to check your homework and project dates, read every handout given for the year, access directions to every Fitness Test.

Each one of these links can be found on the right side of the screen. If you have any questions don't hesitate to contact me at

The ELA 7th grade students will do the following activities in chronological order:
- Frisbee
- Fitness Testing (Presidential, FitGram and NFL Combine)
- Cooperative Games
- Leisure Games
- Hockey
- Weight Training
- Fitness Testing Two (Re-test of fitness tests from the fall)
- Orienteering
- Outdoor Activities

**Please refer to the corresponding web page on the right for more activity details**